Personal + Character Info
IRL name -John
IRL age -19
IRL location -norway
Occupation -playing wow/work
net connection speed -not sure but its working pretty good, havent had any problems
Char name -Papazaiid
Char race -human
Char Class -warrior
Char Specc -arms
current guild -none
previous guild/s -Silent Order- a guild me and my friend made did 8/14 bosses in ulduar 10 man
link to profile
Equilibriums raid times are 19:00-23:00 Sunday-Thursday. what times are you available? - Im usually available all days
how many hours a day do you play and how many days a week usually -i play every day and up to 5 hours a day
do you know anyone in Equilibrium atm (this will be checked) - no
understand Swedish (typed and spoken)? -yeah
have ability to use vent 3.0.4? -yeah
WoW Classic raid experience (furthest on boss you did) -didnt get that long in classic mostly doing zul'gurub but cant really remember how long i got
WoW tbc raid experience (furthest on boss you did) -magtheridon
WotLK raid experience (Furthest boss you have done) -hodir 10 man
/played on this char -42 days
how long have you played wow -3 years
If we recruit you...
why do you want to join Equilibrium? -becouse i want more raiding experience
What do you want from being part of Equilibrium?
Your class
Level 80 spec (please provide a link to the exact build not just some numbers)chose 56 / 15 / 0 becouse this is the spec u get the most dps from. was actually fury not long ago am arms now, still trying to get used to its rotation and watching videos on youtube to get it right
Why have you chosen this spec as best for WotLK?
Explain any unorthodox talents you may have chosen
Only do this part if you have switched your main
Old main Char name - Nissejoker
Char race -nightelf
Char class -hunter
/played on it -
reason for switching -got tired tbh of it was hard to get a guild atm as hunter
Only do this part if you are migrating to join us
What is your currant realm -
Why do you want to leave your currant realm -
Why do you wish to come to Frostwhisper-
Anything you would like to add? pretty positive when it comes to raiding i can handle wipes but will do anything to prevent them