Personal + Character Info
IRL name - Olay
IRL age - 22
IRL location -Bergen
Occupation - Student
net connection speed - 20m/bit
Char name - Naxoz
Char race - Nelf
current guild - We are not repaired
previous guild/s - Project Mercury
link to profile -
Equilibriums raid times are 19:00-23:00 Sunday-Thursday. what times are you available? - I can raid every day except Thousdays. Got BB training then.
how many hours a day do you play and how many days a week usually -
do you know anyone in Equilibrium atm (this will be checked) -
understand Swedish (typed and spoken)? - aaah
have ability to use vent 3.0.4? - aye
WoW Classic raid experience (furthest on boss you did) - did 40-man Naxx, came to four horsemen.
WoW tbc raid experience (furthest on boss you did) - Downed Illidan
WotLK raid experience (Furthest boss you have done) - TotC 25man Lord Jaraxxus.
/played on this char - 4 years. playtime: 150 days.
how long have you played wow - 6 years, since it came out
If we recruit you...
why do you want to join Equilibrium?
- I want to join a friendly raiding guild and improve my gear
What do you want from being part of Equilibrium?
- r e s p e c t:P
Your class
Level 80 spec (please provide a link to the exact build not just some numbers)
Why have you chosen this spec as best for WotLK? duo specc - sublty pvp / combat pve. Might only see my pvp gear, but I have full T8,5 and good weapons.
Only do this part if you have switched your main
Old main Char name - Natox
Char race - Tauren
Char class - Hunter
/played on it - LONG xD been playing for 6 years now
reason for switching - rerolled ally
Anything you would like to add?
Im a young male who likes long walks on the beach:> :wub: